KA VA 1 - VA Claim Pros

It’s easy to hang up your fatigues after your service and rarely talk about it again.

Your life is consumed by your career, your family and your finances. But as you probably know, the effects of your service have caught up to you sooner than expected.

These days, you seem to require more effort to maintain your home and playing with your kids has its new struggles. Meanwhile, work feels harder despite your same work ethic.

You are not alone.

Veterans grapple with the same experiences you are facing today. They also struggle with getting the disability benefits they deserve from the VA.

If your VA disability claim isn’t supported by the right medical evidence, the VA can wrongfully deny your claim even though you may medically and ethically qualify for disability benefits.

That’s why too many Veterans end up with far less compensation than they medically and ethically deserve.

If you’re struggling with the VA right now, we’re offering a FREE evaluation of your case. Fifteen minutes can show you how to put the odds in your favor to win your VA claim with the right medical evidence.

We’ve helped thousands of Veterans and offer 100% Risk Free guarantee.


If your symptoms, conditions, or diagnosis meet the 38CFR definition of qualifying benefits, you can receive compensation.

The best way to prove this is with thorough medical evidence in the form of Nexus Letters, Medical Assessments, Expert Medical Opinions, Lay/Buddy Statements, and more.

What you will need to do to provide the right medical evidence is…

  • Identify all the right medical evidence, per the 38CFR requirements that will be able to support your claim.
  • Gather and develop all the supporting medical documentation and independent medical opinions the VA needs to determine eligibility for benefits per the 38CFR.
  • Properly organize all the written supporting medical evidence to add with your VA Claim and follow the correct submission process to give you the best chance for fast approval.

As one of the leading evidence-based medical consulting firms, we specialize in finding and developing all the medical evidence in support of your VA claim.

Our strength is our ability to review the fine details of Veterans medical conditions and medical records to develop a personalized list of potentially overlooked disabilities.

Some Veterans may not know they are owed thousands of dollars in compensation, and all they need to do is provide the VA with supporting medical proof.

To give you the best chance to receive all the benefits you medically and ethically deserve, click the button below to take advantage of your FREE case evaluation with our expert team.

We’ve helped thousands of Veterans and offer 100% Risk Free guarantee.


There is zero-risk or obligation for us to understand your situation fully. From the evaluation, we can determine whether medical evidence can help support your claim.

Your information is 100% confidential, and this call does not affect your claim in any way.

We are available between the hours of 08:30 to 17:30 Eastern time Monday through Friday.



Identify all the right medical evidence, per the 38CFR requirements that will be able to support your claim.

Gather and develop all the supporting medical documentation and independent medical opinions the VA needs to determine eligibility for benefits per the 38CFR.

Properly organize all the written supporting medical evidence to add with your VA Claim and follow the correct submission process to give you the best chance for fast approval.

As one of the leading evidence-based medical consulting firms, we specialize in finding and developing all the medical evidence in support of your VA claim.

Our strength is our ability to review the fine details of Veterans medical conditions and medical records to develop a personalized list of potentially overlooked disabilities.

Some Veterans may not know they are owed thousands of dollars in compensation, and all they need to do is provide the VA with supporting medical proof.

To give you the best chance to receive all the benefits you medically and ethically deserve, click the button below to take advantage of your FREE case evaluation with our expert team.

We’ve helped thousands of Veterans and offer 100% Risk Free guarantee.


There is zero-risk or obligation for us to understand your situation fully. From the evaluation, we can determine whether medical evidence can help support your claim.

Your information is 100% confidential, and this call does not affect your claim in any way.

We are available between the hours of 08:30 to 17:30 Eastern time Monday through Friday.